Friday, January 20, 2012

How to Reduce Monthly Electric Bills

If you're like me, when your monhly electric bill comes each month, you scratch your head.  Unable to quanitfy how you spend so much money.  AC service companies will soon have an influx of calls.  Even in the winter months, my bill seems to creep higher and higher.  And with the spring and summer months fast approaching here in South Florida, I'm sure I can expect some sky rocketed bills this year.

Below are a few steps to lower your electric bill in the upcoming months.

Change you AC filter-  Having a dirty or clogged AC filter will cause your AC to run inefficiently and thus you AC unit will try harder to output cold air.  Changing your filter is something that most homeowners shoudl be abe to do, if not, calling an AC repair company to come in and do the job will be worth the money.

Use a Fan- Whether it's a ceiling fan or floor fan, they run at significantly less power than a typical AC unit.  Keep in mind that when you're leaving a room for an extended period of time, turn of the fan to save on power.

Solar Air Conditioning-  Solar air conditioning is becoming more and more popular.  The unit will use the suns natural rays to run and store energy.  Doing a quick Google search for Air Conditioning Companies Fort Lauderdale or Solar Air Conditioning returns a bunch of results.  So it's best to hire an AC company that has experience and is easy to work with.
Solar Air Conditioning Home Layout

I hope these steps were informative for you.  They are all pretty basic and can easily be applied to any household.